My first high concentration SD rye attempt



So far I've only used small amounts of rye in white breads, but decided to try out a higher concentration rye bread.   I read Hamelman's rye recipes for guidelines but didn't follow any specific one.   I have my own whole rye berries and a fidibus miller in the kitchen.  A week ago, I milled a couple lbs of rye and sifted the larger chunks of bran from it.   Some of the rye recipes call for rye chops and rye meal.  To substitute, I ground up some of my rye berries at a very coarse level.   I know most people use stiff rye leavens and add baker's yeast, but I decided to use a liquid leaven and no baker's yeast.

The overall formula I made up was:


Total Dough Weight  775.00
Total Dough Hydration 72%
Total Dough Flour Weight 451.00
Total Dough Water Weight 324.00
Rye Flour Leaven Percentage 25%
Preferment Hydration 125%
Starter Percentage  10%
Rye Flour Weight  113.00
Water Weight  141.00
Starter Weight (125% starter) 11.00
Chunky Rye Soaker Flour Percentage50%
Soaker Hydration  80%
Salt Percentage  2.0%
Soaker Flour Weight 226.00
Water Weight  181.00
Salt Weight  5.00
Final Mix    
Salt Percentage  2.0%
Leaven Weight   265.00
Soaker Weight  412.00
High Gluten White Flour Weight112.00
Water Weight  2.00
Salt Weight  4.00


This was my sifted rye flour used for the leaven:


The rye berries, before coarse milling:


After 'milling', here's the chunky rye I used for the soaker.  There's still a few whole rye berries in there...  (next time I may go a little less chunky):


After mixing, I would not have called it a 'dough'.   It was quite pasty.   In my stand mixer, I used the paddle to mix it together.  It would not form into a dough ball like a normal bread dough.  So I scooped it into an oiled pan.   Bulk fermented 1 hour.  It showed no sign of rising at all, but I went ahead with it.  Pre-heated oven to 450F, added the loaf, then turned down to 400F and baked for 1hr, 15 mins.   I did not score it, or use steam.  The internal temp of the baked loaf registered 210F. 

To my surprise, it actually rose in the oven, and even ripped itself apart a bit.





I understand I'm supposed to wait 24-36 hours before cutting into this loaf, but it smells fantastic.   I will try my best to wait.

Cheers, and happy baking!


Well, I couldn't wait....   only been 4 hours, but had to try it.   :)    Tastes very good to me.   Bold tang, and bold rye grain goodness.  It's not as dense as I thought it would be.   Will be good with dinner with butter, and a PB+J for lunch tomorrow.

The crumb:


Great Looking Rye, Gvz! Lovely crumb on such a high % Rye!.. i love making up recipes... classic old, and bold method of doing things.. it never dies