Saturday MEGA Baguette


This week I made the dough for Hamelman's baguettes with poolish yet again.  This time, instead of making three 11-13 inch baguettes, scaled at 250g, I made one 750g loaf.  Since the 250g baguettes would be called demi-baguettes, clearly this was a mega-baguette. Clearly.

Okay, fine, I made a batard and scored it like a baguette.  Still it came out pretty nicely.

Crust Crackles, too!

No bursting between the scores! Though on a batard that's kind of cheating.  Anyway.

No crumb shot this time--we had company over for dinner and I wasn't quite willing to beg their patience while I snapped pictures of the bread, the way I regularly do with my wife.  Moderately open crumb, comparable to my recent baguette efforts.  Good flavor, nice crust, though a little chewy.

It will be back to baguettes next week.  Happy baking, everyone.

The crust looks thin and crackly. I wonder if drying it out in the oven a bit would have kept it crisp longer.


This is what they are called.  I made Dan Di Muzio's version and it was very tasty, I loved the shaping and yours is perfect!  He says when they are scaled to 500g or 18oz.  they are called a La Parisienne...It' on my blog, baked it weighed in at about 16oz.
