I live in Pittsburgh PA and we have a wonderful bakery here called Medi-Terra Bakehouse http://www.mediterrabakehouse.com/. I very much LOVE their Mt. Athos Fire Bread it is a large loaf with a very crisp almost black crust with a dense crumb on the darker side in color and they also have what they call the Farm bread it is kind of like a rustic Italian. The best aprt about it is they are in such a non-descript building just tucked back in the corner of an industrial park they sell their breads at a local organic farmers market and our whole foods but the best way to buy is in their small retail shop in front of the bakery. Oh yeah they also sell a wonderful rasin bread that is excellent the picture on the website does not do it justice.
Mediterra Bakehouse -- 801 Parkway View Drive, Building 8, Pittsburgh, PA, 15205 -- 412.490.9130 (p) -- 412.490.9120 (f)