Looking for a fry bread recipe for a WA State tribe


I lived on the Colville Reservation in Omak, WA as a child and remember having the best fry bread there.  Does anyone know what particular type of fry bread they make?  I have looked for recipes that match the tribes but am having a hard time.

Here are the tribes of the Colville Confederated Tribe:

The Colville, the Nespelem, the San Poil, the Lake, the Palus, the Wenatchi (Wenatchee), the Chelan, the Entiat, the Methow, the southern Okanogan, the Moses Columbia and the Nez Perce of Chief Joseph's Band.

If anyone has a fry bread recipe from one of those tribes, could you please send it my way?

Given the fact that Washington state was occupied by a significant number of Indian tribes, I would (unless I were responsible for developing a doctoral thesis on the subject) simply focus on simple Indian flat bread recipes and leave it at that.  Some of the northwest tribes used flour made from camas root as a starch but I don't know if they used it for their flat bread.

Some of the tribes used acorn flour; here is a website where you can purchase acorn flour.  http://buyacornflour.com/  Also if you live in an area where you have access to acorns there are several websites that give directions for how to soak and dry the acorns to make your own flour.




I to have beem looking for a good fry bread recipe---this is perfect.
