More Chocolate Chip Cookies

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Chocolate Chip Cookies


Makes about 24 cookies
These are great cookies, too!
Not quite as sickening sweet as normal recipes are nor as greasy either.

    1 1/4 cups King Arthur All Purpose Flour (Any UNBLEACHED will do)
    1/2 teaspoon Arm and Hammer Baking Soda
    1/2 teaspoon Morton Iodized Salt
    1 large pasteurized egg
    1/4 cup Florida Crystals Organic Sugar or granulated white sugar
    1/2 cup packed C&H Brown Sugar
    7 Tablespoons softened Land O Lakes Sweet Cream Butter (1 Tbs. short of a stick)
    1 teaspoon Mexican Molina Old Fashioned Vanilla extract
    1 cup Hershey's Semi-Sweet Chocolate Chips
    2/3 cups walnuts, more or less (Optional)

Preheat oven to 350 F. to bake for 10 minutes.
1. In a small bowl, whisk together the flour, baking soda, and salt well.
2. In a large bowl, cream sugars, butter, and vanilla. (A few minutes)
    Then add the egg and beat again till creamy.
3.  With a wooden spoon, stir in the flour than stir in the chips and nuts.
    You can also add nuts here if you wish. (Walnuts are best.)
    (I use dough hooks instead, here. They're perfect for making cookie dough.
    Add flour mixture, use hooks, add chips, use hooks, add nuts, use hooks.)
4. Use a small scoop, (#50), or drop heaping teaspoons full of
    dough about 2 inches apart on an ungreased cookie sheet then flatten them a little.
    (I use parchment paper to keep the bottoms from burning.)
5. Bake about 10 minutes at 350 F. or until the edges just start to turn brown.
    Remove from oven immediately. Let cool 2 minutes to set than transfer
    cookies to cooling rack.
6. If you like crispier cookies, bake another minute or so but, don't burn 'em!





If made as directed, they have a better taste such as, if margarine is used, it will change the taste a little. (Not nearly as good, IMO.)

White sugar is a little sweeter then raw organic sugar.

Mexican Molina Old Fashioned Vanilla extract is far better in taste then imitation would be.

King Arthur flour just seems to bake things a little better but, Gold Medal works, too.


Following any good recipe will net the best outcome but, substitutions are acceptable although, not supported.

