I made extra dough this morning to have some left over for a pizza. It is pretty standard french bread dough. 67% hydration; yeast and salt. I ferment half the flour overnight, the biga is also 67% hydration. When it was time to shape our loaves for next week I just scaled out the amount I wanted for the pizza and put it in an oiled bag in the refrigerator. Putting it together to bake only took a very few minutes.
This pie used 15 ounces of dough and is 13" in diameter. For toppings I have wild mushrooms and kalamata olives.
Around here the best pizza place is about on par with a Digorno frozen pizza. This jewel blows that out of the water. I think it will become a new "baking day" tradition.
Just the way I like it. : )
I know that I'm not the only member here that started baking bread after deciding to find a better pizza crust. It must be an international muse or something like that.
looks great
Today is pizza day and we went out for dinner. I want that pizza looks so good. Enjoy Patrick
did you bake the crust first then put the topping??
I did not bake the crust first. I feared that I should have about half way through but I moved it to the lowest rack from the next to the lowest and it evened up nicely.
The pan in the picture is heavy aluminum and perforated so that helped I would imagine.