I just found a copy of the original Laurel's Kitchen Bread Book at my local used book store. I snatched it up since it was only a couple dollars and I'd been thinking about buying the new one for a while. According to the information that I can find, it seems like the only major difference between the two books is an additional chapter for bread machine baking in the newer version. Do any of you know of any other differences that I should pay attention to? I can't wait to start baking with this book... hopefully it will end my struggles of translating all my bread recipes to whole grain and still having them taste good.
I use the 1st edition quite a bit. I did not notice any significant difference between the 1st and 2nd editions in about 10 minutes of scanning at the bookstore. I specifically read through the bread machine chapter and found it not of much help compared to dedicated bread machine books.
So if you have found a 1st edition in good shape, go ahead and buy it!
I do wish they would go back and do a full revision and a better chapter on bread machines. But perhaps once you have your own full-sized brick oven in your backyard you don't consider the bread machine world.