The Fresh Loaf

A Community of Amateur Bakers and Artisan Bread Enthusiasts.

SF SD With many folds

ehanner's picture

SF SD With many folds

Today I made a second batch of the Multi fold, no knead bread Shiao-Ping as been working on and posting. I decided to make a few changes in concept to suit my style.I started with her SFSD post HERE and except for the yeast and flours and baking temp, followed that method.

First, instead of using yeast to rise the dough and sourdough starter to flavor it, I used a scant 1/4 teaspoon of yeast and relied on my robust starter to provide leavening. So it was a true sourdough loaf. Next time I'll skip the yeast totally.

Second, I added 5% rye flour to the dough mix. In the past I have found that even a small amount of rye helps the depth of flavor greatly. In this case I added 25g of whole rye.

Third, I found I needed an extra 30 minutes ferment time for the dough to feel right, so call it 4.75 hours ferment time total at 73 degrees F. That was also the dough temperature.

Forth, I gave the proof time 40 minutes. I'm not certain that I didn't over do that by a few minutes. The crust expanded well but the cuts got all weird like a cat fight happened on top. As usual scoring is my Achilles heel and the first thing to go.

Lastly, I wasn't happy with the chewiness of the crust yesterday baking for an hour  at 350F. Today I used 450F for 10 minutes, steamed and lowered the temp to 430 for another 20 minutes. The crust would have been more crisp had I left it in the oven for 5-10 minutes to dry. I may get a tattoo reminding me to stay on checklist. I like the crust much better today.

Overall, the flavor of the sourdough is mild and the overall taste is great. It is remarkable how creamy yellow the crumb is and how well the dough feels using only a plastic scraper to fold a few times. I think it is a safe statement that our mixers are oxygenating the dough and do nothing for flavor. Simple hand mixing and gently folding will develop gluten and deliver to your hands a very luxurious and satiny dough. I didn't pull a window pane but I assure you that this dough is the essence of gluten development.

I like the schedule of this bread. I started it at 8 AM and I'm eating it at 4 PM. My other Sourdough breads I usually start in the evening after dinner and get them in the oven around 10 AM. -12 PM. That's OK but I like the one day aspect. When I have time, I know I can make a good loaf on the day I think of it.

That's it. One day SF SD. Not the best bread I've ever made but pretty darn good for a one day project. No Mixer needed!



xaipete's picture
xaipete (not verified)

You've got a nice looking loaf there, Eric. I recently made a couple of loaves without using a mixer and found it both interesting and enjoyable. Those loaves also had a really nice creamy texture. While I'm not ready to give my mixer to the Salvation Army yet, it is fun to let it have a rest some days.

My thoughts on how well KA type of mixer oxygenate the dough and the pros and cons of oxygenation are still out. I'll have to look that up again in Suas and DiMuzio and see what they have to say (Hamelman too).


SylviaH's picture

I absolutely love the idea of being able to make wonderful bread all in the same day!  I got more flavor and lovely crumb color than I have from some 2 dayers...with my first attempt!  I love this method!  Gently does it!  Wonderful looking loaf and very nice write-up! 


trailrunner's picture

I just got a chance to look through a bunch of posts and I am going to have to try this . Great write up. c

Nomadcruiser53's picture

Looks like I will have to try this one too. I'm getting quite a list of breads to do. Dave

audra36274's picture

long would it take ya'll to get here?! I can keep it warm for a while with no problem!


summerbaker's picture

I've had this thought many times.  It would stick better than a post-it note on the end of my nose!

Beautiful loaf and yet another great write up.
