March 23, 2009 - 3:43pm
I recently set up so that I could monitor the site while away from the computer. It isn't perfect, but it works fairly well on cell phones or other portable devices like the Kindle.
I'll be surprised if there is a huge audience for this but, then again, it could be handy if you want to pull up a recipe or a photo of one of your recent bakes when you are over at someone else's house.
Thanks, Floyd. I'll use it. Twitter seems very behind. --Pamela
Yeah, the Twitter feed is often an hour or two behind.
Hi, Floyd.
I am viewing TFL-M on my iPhone. Way fast & easy to navigate.
I'm a "huge audience" after a long weekend in SF, but my diet starts tomorrow!
Ha... I'm getting desperate for the nice weather to get here too, because 6 months of being indoors baking is not good for the waistline.
Can't wait to try this out on my new Kindle---if I can figure out how ;-) Will let you know how it works...
It works pretty well on the Kindle. I just got one too. 8^)
That's how many guests are online now :-o
Nods. Traffic is way up.
Take a look at the traffic chart at Quantcast. Up, up and away!
You've created a monster :-) I think a bunch of people just went back to work---the count was up to 333 and then dropped to 141. This is interenting to watch...
A couple of the recipes here (soft pretzels, flour tortillas) got linked to from StumbleUpon, which accounts for a couple of spikes this month. But even if you subtract those out, traffic is up 20% a day from the beginning of February, which was up from January, which was up from December and so on.
I don't know... I've been wondering if with the economy down more people are at home and trying to bake their own bread, both as a way to save money and as a way to find comfort in unsettling times.
What constitutes an 'addict,' a 'regular' and a 'passer-by"? It's nice to have the stats broken down like that.
I'm not sure how they determine who is an addict, a regular, or a passer-by.
Yes, your lactic acid article has gotten the attention of a number of serious bakers. But in terms of just number of eyeballs, here are the top ten pages in March. The second and third are the pages StumbleUpon linked to. <-- latest comments. Refreshed frequently by the "addicts" ;^)
No surprises there---those sourdough cinnamon rolls certainly got my attention :-) The photo really sells them. And the flour tortillas are on my list of must try soon! TFL has really become a home bread bakers' reference.
Sometimes a page hit is caused by an accident :-). --Pamela
Floyd, now I'm worried I'm an addict--at least on the regular site :-( . --Pamela
great Floyd, thank you for that. I have a close to two hours train ride to take to work, will definitely have a look. I have an HTC Mobile.
Cheers, Jw.