Sourdough Pictorial aka Creating a Starter

This is a pictorial process for creating your starter. You can follow the attached chart to see the feeding schedule I use for a two-a-day feeding. The feeding chart I like this method because it meets my particular work needs. In this example the starter was kept between 74 and 80° F for the entire process except for Day Four PM to the AM schedule on Day Five. This time I left it in an area that was at least 84° F. You can see how the fermentation "got away." This will be corrected by returning the starter to the 74 and 80° F range. Day One Your ingredients

The initial mixing process

Day One "0 hours"
Day Two AM 24 hours later Mixing process

Day Two PM 6+ hours later

Day Three AM 16 hours later

Day Three PM 6+ hours later
Day Four AM 16 hours later

Day Four PM 6+ hours later

Day Five AM 16 hours later
At this point continue to feed the starter and use as needed in your formulas.