The Fresh Loaf

A Community of Amateur Bakers and Artisan Bread Enthusiasts.


ibor's picture


Open letter to Floyd


Please make your blog more user friendly. Two fellow reader of it requested that I publish again a video I posted some time ago and was subsequently eliminated. I spent one hour trying to do it and ended frustrated.

We add pictures and videos to our posts in order to make them more understandable, but we are bakers not programmers.

Yours respectfully


tpassin's picture

Please say how you tried and what if any error messages you saw.  Then maybe someone here might know what to do. The video might no longer be available because of some policy of the location it's hosted on.  If so, THL can't do anything about it.

tpassin's picture

If you have a working URL to the video you can just paste it into your post.  That's the easiest thing you can do.

ibor's picture

Thank you

ibor's picture

For those of you who have asked for the video that was discontinued in my former post