Pizza Dough Yeast???
I saw something in the grocery store last week that I had never seen before. Fleischman's Pizza Dough Yeast. It claimed to be specially formulated for pizza dough. I was skeptical but thought I would give it a try. For YEARS I have been trying to get whole wheat pizza dough right and it has never come out the way I wanted. Well I followed the directions on the package except that I did let it rest/rise for 30 minutes before rolling it out. (The package claims you don't need to wait, just roll and bake.) And I upped the baking temp from 425 to 475 in my convection oven. I also substituted KAF White Whole Wheat Flour for the APF. All I can say is Holy-Moly, Jeff Spiccoli!!!!!!!!!!! It rocked!!!!! I got two 14 inch thin crust pizzas out of the dough and it was, as we say here in Boston, WICKED AWESOME. Light and airy, slightly puffy and not heavy at all. And I only kneaded for 4 minutes!!!! No Kitchen-Aid, no long rises. I'm sold. I'd love to now how it works though.
This is my first post as I am a new member of FreshLoaf. Whole grain baking is a passion of mine and I'm currently working on Whole Wheat Sourdough Bread and my WW bagels have been getting rave reviews. I look forward to spending some time here and sharing with and learning from y'all.
Yeah, it's their newest (as far as I know) souped up yeast for folks who need to make pizza in a hurry. But it works even if you're not in a hurry so, all things considered, it's not a bad thing. Nice to have some fresh comments from someone new to the forums. Thanks for sharing your experience.
also contains dough conditioners so that the dough does not need to relax as much prior to shaping.
I am sure this is one factor among many that helped your crust.
Hope this helps.
Welcome to the site Dan. Glad to hear of your success with the essential food group. I look forward to seeing your work.
While this is supercharged to make dough quick you can still get more flavor by retarding and giving the enzymes and bacteria a chance to participate more and develop more flavor.
You are right. The crust did not have much flavor, but it is the first time that the texture of the crust was what I was looking for. I'm going to keep experimenting.